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Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 8:28 am
by Ariel
*cough* And/or survey.It's been a while since we had one of these, though!Please copy and paste, if you just type the numbers, no one knows which questions you're answering without referencing 1. Carrots, or colliflower(sp)?2. Look out the closest window to your computer. What do you see?3. Have you made a snowman yet this year?4. If you were a hermie, what kind of shell woul you wear?5. Milk chocolate or dark?6. Would you rather live in a station in space or under the sea?7. Do you believe in the lochness monster?8. Sasquatches?9. Aliens? (be it jellyfishies under pluto's ice or intelligent martians or whatnot)10. Michael Jackson?11. If you had to choose between dying your hair white, bright green, or cyan blue, which would you pick?12. If you could live in any other country than the one you are located in now, what would it be?


Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 8:39 am
by kitty_LHC
1. Carrots, or colliflower(sp)? I like carrots a little better than cauliflowerbut both are great!2. Look out the closest window to your computer. What do you see? There is no window in my classroom. 3. Have you made a snowman yet this year? Yes! It only snows here about once every twenty years. It snowed on Christmas eve!4. If you were a hermie, what kind of shell woul you wear? Those pretty African turbo ones!5. Milk chocolate or dark? milk6. Would you rather live in a station in space or under the sea? AH! Both ideas make me feel claustrophobic. But sea I guess. There's no sea critters to watch in space.7. Do you believe in the lochness monster? I belive that at one time there might have been quite a large critter there.8. Sasquatches? I believe that there is someone or something that the legend is based on.9. Aliens? (be it jellyfishies under pluto's ice or intelligent martians or whatnot)I'll believe it when I see it. I can't quite fully grasp the idea nor can I really believe that we are all alone.10. Michael Jackson? I believe he exists but I think he might be an alien.11. If you had to choose between dying your hair white, bright green, or cyan blue, which would you pick?Cyan blue!!! It used to be closed to that color. I'll have to post a pic if I can find someone with a scanner.12. If you could live in any other country than the one you are located in now, what would it be? New Zealand! That's where my best friend lives and it sounds very pleasant. Even if the seasons are all messed up and the have Christmas in the summer.. Those crazy kiwi's. I'm going there in the next year or so for his wedding. Woohoo!


Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 8:43 am
by KittyCaller
1. Carrots, or colliflower(sp)? (Cauliflower)Carrots2. Look out the closest window to your computer. What do you see? Trees and then the rest of the village; on clear nights I can see the orange Neon Cross 3. Have you made a snowman yet this year? Nope4. If you were a hermie, what kind of shell would you wear? Hmm, well not those blasted Babylonias I'll tell ya that. 5. Milk chocolate or dark?Chocolate.6. Would you rather live in a station in space or under the sea? Sea. A nicer screensaver scene, I think. 7. Do you believe in the lochness monster? Hmmm, not the lochness per se, but there's a buncha critters under the sea we don't know about.8. Sasquatches? Hmm, it's conceivable.9. Aliens? (be it jellyfishies under pluto's ice or intelligent martians or whatnot) Well, to quote one of my favorite movies, Contact, "Space is a pretty big if it's just us, seems like an awful waste of space"10. Michael Jackson? Amazing dancer, had some great songs...I won't say any more.11. If you had to choose between dying your hair white, bright green, or cyan blue, which would you pick? Blue and/or white.12. If you could live in any other country than the one you are located in now, what would it be? Canada.


Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 9:13 am
by mommyfor31
1. Carrots, or colliflower(sp)?Yuck to both2. Look out the closest window to your computer. What do you see?beautiful cold swimming pool3. Have you made a snowman yet this year? Nope I don't like snow so I hope I don't have the opportunity to either 4. If you were a hermie, what kind of shell woul you wear?one of those pretty african ones5. Milk chocolate or dark?Milk Chocolate6. Would you rather live in a station in space or under the sea?The thought of either those make me go into a panic but if I HAD to choose i guess it would be sea7. Do you believe in the lochness monster?yes i think there had/has to be something or a lot of people's eye's are playing tricks on them8. Sasquatches?of course I've actually met a few 9. Aliens? (be it jellyfishies under pluto's ice or intelligent martians or whatnot)yes I also believe we live in a giant snowglobe for their amusement 10. Michael Jackson?I'd rather not go there 11. If you had to choose between dying your hair white, bright green, or cyan blue, which would you pick?Pink actually but out of the choices it would have to be cyan blue12. If you could live in any other country than the one you are located in now, what would it be? Australia need I say more


Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 9:18 am
by lubbi2
1. Carrots, or colliflower(sp)? carrots2. Look out the closest window to your computer. What do you see? My yard, the kids swing set, the garage, and the neighbors house.3. Have you made a snowman yet this year?No, because that requires being in the snow, which I avoid at all costs.4. If you were a hermie, what kind of shell woul you wear?Oh, good question. lol, I'd wear, um...a pearl banded turbo.5. Milk chocolate or dark? Milk chocolate, hershey's, preferably.6. Would you rather live in a station in space or under the sea?Well, depends on my mood, but most days in a space station.7. Do you believe in the lochness monster?Yup, I think I've dated her brother....8. Sasquatches? Yup, I KNOW I've dated HIS brother! 9. Aliens? (be it jellyfishies under pluto's ice or intelligent martians or whatnot) Of course, lol, where do you think Nellie and Big Foot came from? 10. Michael Jackson? At the risk of offending his loyal fans, I say but one word...Freak11. If you had to choose between dying your hair white, bright green, or cyan blue, which would you pick?well, green, of course, to match my pretty shell! (see question #4)12. If you could live in any other country than the one you are located in now, what would it be? Brazil, I've been there, I love it!


Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 11:00 am
by Guest
1. Carrots, or colliflower(sp)? That depends. I like cauliflower raw in salads or with dressing. I like carrots the same way too. But I really like carrots candied.2. Look out the closest window to your computer. What do you see? I see the top corner of the carport and the front corner of my travel trailer. Its also darkening and drizzly.3. Have you made a snowman yet this year?No4. If you were a hermie, what kind of shell woul you wear?A beautiful turbo semanticus.5. Milk chocolate or dark?Dark6. Would you rather live in a station in space or under the sea?Under the sea. I could pretend I was a mermaid.7. Do you believe in the lochness monster?Undecided8. Sasquatches? I think there could be. I think my father in law is one in disquise. He has thick body hair from head to toe. I am glad I don't have to clean his tub drain.9. Aliens? (be it jellyfishies under pluto's ice or intelligent martians or whatnot) Undecided10. Michael Jackson? HUH?11. If you had to choose between dying your hair white, bright green, or cyan blue, which would you pick? White Its getting that color without any help.12. If you could live in any other country than the one you are located in now, what would it be? Ireland. I think its romantic.


Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 11:46 am
by Ariel
1. Carrots, or colliflower(sp)?Cauliflower (still, sp! sorry ms. english teacher ) as long as I have ranch dip.2. Look out the closest window to your computer. What do you see?Oh, well, it's nightime now. But during the day, I see an old rusty kerosene tank, a newer unrusty whitish kerosene tank, birds eating the seed I give them, the madonna tree (a sprucey tree that looks like the virgin mary when it ices) and some woods.3. Have you made a snowman yet this year?The snow hasn't been deep enough 4. If you were a hermie, what kind of shell would you wear?African turbo! Or polished magpie! Or maybe a nautilus, and all the other hermies would go "Oh my gawd, how does she fit in that?" (hehe.. get it? Nautilus.. okay, nevermind)5. Milk chocolate or dark?Chocolate milk, now that I think about it..6. Would you rather live in a station in space or under the sea?Undah tha sea!7. Do you believe in the lochness monster?I'm iffy. Darn those National Geographic channel documenteries for depleting my faith!!8. Sasquatches?YES actually9. Aliens? (be it jellyfishies under pluto's ice or intelligent martians or whatnot)Jellyfishies10. Michael Jackson?I don't think he could technically be classified as a **** sapien anymore.11. If you had to choose between dying your hair white, bright green, or cyan blue, which would you pick?CYAN12. If you could live in any other country than the one you are located in now, what would it be? Scottland


Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 12:54 pm
by Nicole
1. Carrots, or colliflower(sp)? Cauliflower2. Look out the closest window to your computer. What do you see? Our living room window 3. Have you made a snowman yet this year? My kids did4. If you were a hermie, what kind of shell woul you wear? Banded jade turbo5. Milk chocolate or dark? Dark6. Would you rather live in a station in space or under the sea? Neither, too confining7. Do you believe in the lochness monster? Yes8. Sasquatches? No9. Aliens? (be it jellyfishies under pluto's ice or intelligent martians or whatnot) Yes10. Michael Jackson? No comment 11. If you had to choose between dying your hair white, bright green, or cyan blue, which would you pick? Cyan Blue12. If you could live in any other country than the one you are located in now, what would it be? Canada


Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 3:13 pm
by kuplakrabs
1. Carrots, or colliflower(sp)?Carrots2. Look out the closest window to your computer. What do you see?The wheels of a very large work trailer-for my husband to wire3. Have you made a snowman yet this year?Absolutely 4. If you were a hermie, what kind of shell woul you wear?Turbo Petholatus5. Milk chocolate or dark?Dark-no question6. Would you rather live in a station in space or under the sea?Under the sea! I love when there are underwater specials on the Discovery Channel-especially sharks7. Do you believe in the lochness monster?not so sure I believe, but I don't disbelieve either8. Sasquatches?same as above9. Aliens? (be it jellyfishies under pluto's ice or intelligent martians or whatnot)again, same as above-I'm open to discussion LOL10. Michael Jackson?LMAO11. If you had to choose between dying your hair white, bright green, or cyan blue, which would you pick?Green12. If you could live in any other country than the one you are located in now, what would it be?Sweeden


Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2005 2:52 am
by Katy
. Carrots, or colliflower(sp)? karats 2. Look out the closest window to your computer. What do you see?trees and a portion of my work building3. Have you made a snowman yet this year?nope 4. If you were a hermie, what kind of shell woul you wear?african turbo5. Milk chocolate or dark?white...if I have to choose, milk...6. Would you rather live in a station in space or under the sea?definitely under the creeps me out (but I'm w/ you Nicole waay too confining but space would be worse for me)7. Do you believe in the lochness monster?no8. Sasquatches?I'm not sure9. Aliens? (be it jellyfishies under pluto's ice or intelligent martians or whatnot)yes10. Michael Jackson? I don't know what to think. He was cool when I was a kid but I can't say as much for him now...11. If you had to choose between dying your hair white, bright green, or cyan blue, which would you pick?cyan blue12. If you could live in any other country than the one you are located in now, what would it be? Brazil!


Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2005 3:08 am
by Jedediah
1. Carrots, or colliflower(sp)?Carrots. But I love cauliflower-broccoli casserole.2. Look out the closest window to your computer. What do you see?The backyard with a tiny apple tree (really good apples!) 3. Have you made a snowman yet this year?YES! It was four inches high and smoked a pipe.4. If you were a hermie, what kind of shell woul you wear?A turbo.5. Milk chocolate or dark?Milk chocolate.6. Would you rather live in a station in space or under the sea?Under the sea. Maybe I'd see a giant squid.7. Do you believe in the lochness monster?No.8. Sasquatches?Maybe they are out there, at least they have lots more room to hide than Nessy.9. Aliens? (be it jellyfishies under pluto's ice or intelligent martians or whatnot)Oh yes, definitely. I don't think we'll meet them in the near or even distant future, but there's something out there.10. Michael Jackson?See - there's proof already for aliens. Just kidding - it's an insult for any alien out there. But I do like his early music.11. If you had to choose between dying your hair white, bright green, or cyan blue, which would you pick?White. This would be cool.12. If you could live in any other country than the one you are located in now, what would it be? Great Britain (preferrably London).


Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2005 3:43 am
by CrystalStone
1. Carrots, or colliflower(sp)? Carrots(uncooked only)2. Look out the closest window to your computer. What do you see? The house across the street. A squirrel walking along the top of the fence over there.3. Have you made a snowman yet this year? No, but I did go sledding.4. If you were a hermie, what kind of shell woul you wear? Banded turbo5. Milk chocolate or dark? Both. Milk chocolate for everyday, Dark as a treat.6. Would you rather live in a station in space or under the sea? Can you say claustrophobia? I think outer space. At least I know I wouldn't get EATEN by anything out there.7. Do you believe in the lochness monster? I think there was something there in the past but I'm not so sure it would still exist.8. Sasquatches? Sure. The Giant Panda was a myth until the '50's.9. Aliens? (be it jellyfishies under pluto's ice or intelligent martians or whatnot) Yes, but I doubt they've been here. 10. Michael Jackson? I think they've already confirmed his existence. They just don't know what he is yet...11. If you had to choose between dying your hair white, bright green, or cyan blue, which would you pick? Blue. I don't look good in green and white is too plain.12. If you could live in any other country than the one you are located in now, what would it be? Australia if I had to move. Otherwise, I'm perfectly happy where I am.


Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2005 4:16 am
by Guest
1. Carrots, or colliflower(sp)? Both2. Look out the closest window to your computer. What do you see? Snow3. Have you made a snowman yet this year?Yup and an Igloo4. If you were a hermie, what kind of shell woul you wear? Green turbo with stripe 5. Milk chocolate or dark? Milk Chocolate6. Would you rather live in a station in space or under the sea? Under the sea7. Do you believe in the lochness monster? Yes8. Sasquatches? Yes9. Aliens? (be it jellyfishies under pluto's ice or intelligent martians or whatnot) Yes10. Michael Jackson? NO COMMENT11. If you had to choose between dying your hair white, bright green, or cyan blue, which would you pick? cyan blue I'm not sure what color that is but sounds pretty.12. If you could live in any other country than the one you are located in now, what would it be? I'm happy hereSandra


Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2005 7:08 am
by GSnicklegrove
1. Carrots, or colliflower? Both2. Look out the closest window to your computer. What do you see? Green Grass and some purple ornamental cabbage.3. Have you made a snowman yet this year?No, but we made funny yard art out of sunflower stalks.4. If you were a hermie, what kind of shell woul you wear? Muffin Snail Shell5. Milk chocolate or dark? Dark Chocolate6. Would you rather live in a station in space or under the sea? Space Station, Yeah! Actually, I wouldn't mind even a little bed on the Hubble, now THAT would be the life!7. Do you believe in the lochness monster? Yes8. Sasquatches? Yes9. Aliens? (be it jellyfishies under pluto's ice or intelligent martians or whatnot) Yes10. Michael Jackson? Proof that pop music is bad for impressionable youngsters. Now, if he were a jazz j/k I don't know what he has done, or not done, but I do know that he is a man that has suffered much, and in turn, casts suffering in his shadow. I don't really know what to make of him, other than somewhere, under all the plastic and make-up, he is still a human, and we must all live with the consequences of choices that we make in our lives. Hopefully, he may wake up someday from his own personally seclusion and delusion and find happiness. But, if he has done something wrong, beyond expensive lawyers, he needs to pay the consequences for such acts, face up to himself.11. If you had to choose between dying your hair white, bright green, or cyan blue, which would you pick? White would be beautiful!12. If you could live in any other country than the one you are located in now, what would it be? South Korea or the Sri Lanken tea growing country perhaps. I would be happy collecting the top two tender shoots and bulb from the tea plants for a living, get up early and work in the cool mists, with the smell of fresh growing green tea in my nostrils, on my hands, under my fingernails. Midday break, go sit on a hill, drink some tea, eat a light lunch, drink more tea, meditate with the sun gleaming off my brow, and then with a gentle midday sprinkling shower, I have one more cup of tea, and go back to the fields to work for 6 more hours. Then, I gather my filled straw basket on my back, and take a very short, gentle walk to the tea weighing station, get my labors weighed, and then I sort my leaves, to make sure nothing but the top two tender shoots made it into my basket. At the end of my day, with the sun setting behind the hills, I walk home, tired, alive and peaceful. I can't wait to go back to work tomorrow.Gertie


Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 1:06 pm
by Rachel
1. Carrots, or colliflower(sp)?carrots2. Look out the closest window to your computer. What do you see?deck, barbecue, dog house, pool, woods3. Have you made a snowman yet this year?nope4. If you were a hermie, what kind of shell woul you wear?for comfort, any turbo - but for style, pink murex5. Milk chocolate or dark?milk6. Would you rather live in a station in space or under the sea?definitely uder the sea - better scenery7. Do you believe in the lochness monster?sure do8. Sasquatches?yep, them too9. Aliens? (be it jellyfishies under pluto's ice or intelligent martians or whatnot)uh huh10. Michael Jackson?ummm....11. If you had to choose between dying your hair white, bright green, or cyan blue, which would you pick?BLUE!!!12. If you could live in any other country than the one you are located in now, what would it be? Sorry, but can't give up the great U.S. of A!!