I think my crab might be molting!

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I think my crab might be molting!

Post by finleyfoo » Fri Sep 28, 2018 10:51 am

I am a newish crab owner - about 6 weeks now.

I have 2 and they both went under the substrate over a week ago. Before that only one was under and the other was roaming around up top. The one that went under first...I think I saw her last night. I was replacing the food and I saw a little tunnel dug, so I shined a flashlight in and it looks like either a molted crab (the exo was very chalky and still) or a dead crab. I did not want to disturb so I covered her slightly with sand and left her be.

I am worried though because she is in the more shallow area of the substrate (it slants down to the water pools), only about 2-3 inches. There is deeper substrate (6-7 inches) but she is not in there. I have no idea where the other crab is.

I hope she is molting and I will see her soon. No one has been touching the food for over a week now that I can tell.

If she did die, about how long before it starts to smell and I would know?


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Re: I think my crab might be molting!

Post by Hermiesguardian » Fri Sep 28, 2018 11:26 am

finleyfoo wrote:I am a newish crab owner - about 6 weeks now.

I have 2 and they both went under the substrate over a week ago. Before that only one was under and the other was roaming around up top. The one that went under first...I think I saw her last night. I was replacing the food and I saw a little tunnel dug, so I shined a flashlight in and it looks like either a molted crab (the exo was very chalky and still) or a dead crab. I did not want to disturb so I covered her slightly with sand and left her be.

I am worried though because she is in the more shallow area of the substrate (it slants down to the water pools), only about 2-3 inches. There is deeper substrate (6-7 inches) but she is not in there. I have no idea where the other crab is.

I hope she is molting and I will see her soon. No one has been touching the food for over a week now that I can tell.

If she did die, about how long before it starts to smell and I would know?

Hi! Welcome! A couple of things. The substrate needs to be minimum 6" throughout the tank. Then you can increase to a higher side. Never cover a crab with sand. They can suffocate. They create their little caves in a way they can breath. Someone more experienced will let you know if at this point you should unbury him so he doesn't suffocate. You can add an inch of substrate every 24hrs, just don't pat it down. They eat such tiny amounts it's very hard to tell if they've eaten. Just keep providing food and water.
raising son's dog, Dante. Husky/hound.
Raising daughter's hermit crabs, Shelder, Paras and Derek. Added 2 more of my own (of course) Pete and Stryper. Former mommy to 2 guinea pigs and beloved cat, Nissi

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Re: I think my crab might be molting!

Post by finleyfoo » Fri Sep 28, 2018 2:21 pm

Ack! Now I am really worried! I seem to be doing everything wrong!

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