drought and heat

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Laurie LeAnn
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drought and heat

Post by Laurie LeAnn » Mon Sep 09, 2013 9:37 am

so many weeks now and not a drop of rain in sight just promises and then nothing.. heat every day in the 90+ range with the humidity over 100 last week we did have few days of some nice cool lower 80's { open the windows!} now we have again 100 degree heat index with lower 70's coming later this week, talk about a temp range! I really don't think it's all that bad in our house cause we have huge shade trees around our house and if ya turn on the fans it's tolerable to me, but the hubby is a big baby..he turned on the air today. this just makes my head explode going in and out of air conditioning. then I sit and freeze when I'm home, working, ect where it's air conditioned. My co worker is sitting there sweating like a barn animal with the fan blowing on here, I'm knocking off chunks of ice off my toes, nose, fingers, ect..we really need the rain. I think our town has decided that we are going to tap into dallas city rural water supply they get there from the river or a lake Im not sure but we get ours from a resivior and last year it we were in drastic need of water that we had to ask people of a private pond/ spring if we could get water from there. it is getting that bad again! that was with the no water lawn ban, no washing car in drive way, but you could go up town and wash your car, it was frowned upon but you can't shut a mans business down if that is his income..

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drought and heat

Post by Crabber85 » Mon Sep 09, 2013 12:23 pm

Yeah we've had just opposite for weather here in the south and more particularly my state.Between Jan and July we broke the record for total rain fall in a year in just six months we have had double the rain that we did in the last two years combined according to the Meteorologic Center here in GA.We've had a very mild summer with the hottest day a month ago on being 90 degrees but with a regular temp of 77 for most of the summer.We had been in a severe drought from 06' to 12' but sometime after November of 2012 the weather pattern shifted and we have had a wet/mild spring and summer and are looking for a colder fall and a harsher winter this year.I know what you all are going through up there and I'm hoping the weather gets milder for you soon.
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Laurie LeAnn
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drought and heat

Post by Laurie LeAnn » Tue Sep 10, 2013 1:05 am

last yr most of the winter months it was rain rain rain! then a few good winter snow storms and all was good, we were caught up with water in fact we were flooding all around us and had detours to get to the cities even our town side roads were flooding, the news said we were into 40 + days with no rain. they are saying today record high of over 90 with heat index way over 100 then gradually going down to 70 by the end of this week. yeah can't wait! I went bike riding last night around 6:30 it wasn't so bad cause there was a breeze and the sun was setting. but ya felt it when ya stopped riding you had a sweat breaking.

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drought and heat

Post by jenok » Wed Sep 11, 2013 7:00 am

We've got lucky and most this year we've had quite a bit of rain flood stage on occasion. Now it has been like you said hot, warm, hot, hot, now this weekend it's supposed to cool back down into mid to high 80's(yeah). Now some more rain for a day or two would be nice(not flooding).

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Laurie LeAnn
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drought and heat

Post by Laurie LeAnn » Thu Sep 12, 2013 2:35 pm

We some rain night.enough to leave puddles and today it started to cool down. In fact it got cooler out side mayonnaise our house w the air on. It was like if I took the crabs out they could of lived in the house w no issues it was so hot and humid. Darryl didn't want return off the air! I said are you kidding? I'm not standing here doing dishes and sweat in humid hot house that is 80degrees when outside its almost 70! Laurie flipped that air off opened All the windows now it's really cold in the house
