the post office... + update

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the post office... + update

Post by pinkypie » Fri Oct 04, 2013 3:38 pm

I ordered something online that was really important, and I've been ordering from this website for almost a year now with no problems.I finally retrieved the tracking number for my package because I told them it was taking way too long to arrive. When I looked up the tracking number, it said "alert" really big. The post office said that my address was allegedly incorrect and the site indicated that the package had been forwarded to some random address, that it would not provide to me. This address is not incorrect and it is in fact my address, and I have no idea why they would do that. I tried to file a claim online because I couldn't get a hold of anyone over the phone, but said that the tracking number was not available for a claim.I'm really upset and I plan to go to the post office tomorrow morning to ask them why they forwarded it and to where they forwarded it. I feel pretty hopeless about it, and think that I'll never retrieve this package, but I'm still gonna try. I don't know what to do or how to feel about this. It's extremely distressing. :'(-----Also, I have an update on my domestic situation.I hired a lawyer who helped me out filing a restraining order on my ex. A lady from the domestic abuse center came to court with me too, which was pretty cool. The lawyer was able to win my case without me having to testify or be in the same room with my ex, who apparently brought his mommy along with him; also the court day was on his birthday. Happy birthday. He had a court fee thereafter, which he tried filing a motion against me to get me to pay his court fine, but the motion was denied. He hasn't tried contacting me since.I also reconnected with a dear friend online from my hometown in Chattanooga. He now lives in New Orleans. I had been trying to find him again for several years because we lost contact. Now we're together, and I'm going to see him again in November. He's the sweetest and smartest person I've ever met, and incredibly mature. He has given me the greatest joy I know. He's also very understanding of my recent situation.I'm currently being treated for post-traumatic stress disorder at my hospital and they were able to hook me up with a therapist at a local clinic. I have a new roommate and a new higher paying job. So, overall I'm doing a lot better and my crabs and tarantula are safe. I can't remember if I mentioned, but during my last encounter with my ex he had verbally and physically threatened their lives as well as mine and threw things at the both of us; I had to stand between my aquariums and him to deflect the things being thrown at them. But, now, no more of that!
S.N. Bryant

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the post office... + update

Post by Geranium » Sat Oct 05, 2013 2:00 am

Good to hear you're doing better. It must be a relief to have it all over.Not sure what you can do about the package. I am assuming they are claiming it was delivered and are charging you for it. It seems the post office is at fault and needs to remedy the situation. Good Luck.

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Laurie LeAnn
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the post office... + update

Post by Laurie LeAnn » Sun Oct 06, 2013 1:53 am

once i ordered stuff from a crab site and used a money order they said they never got it, but it did get cashed from someone. it was a hot mess! i went to the post office and filed a complaint where I got my order was told it would take about a month a month to clear up and track it! I did get my money back never did figure out what happened to the money order or who walked away with 25$ but some one forged their name on the back of it that or the company put it in their account and forgot to send me my stuff!
