Mother went to the doctor and....

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Mother went to the doctor and....

Post by Crabber85 » Fri Oct 11, 2013 3:37 am

Well I went with her yesterday and she went for UA or basically a test to see if she had a uti(urinary tract infection)and the doctor told her after the results came back that she didn't have a uti that her blood sugar was way up.So he tested her blood and it turns out she's a diabetic which is no surprise as her mother had it before she passed, her grandmother had it, her sister and aunts have it so it runs in the family on her side in the women.I had to put her glucose monitor together and show her how to use it and needless to say she was depressed all day yesterday and was just really in a bad mood.I feel bad for her but we all knew this was a possibility given the family history.I have a blood sugar disorder called hypoglycemia basically my body secretes way too much of it's own insulin so my blood sugar stays extremely low.I've tested my blood sugar a few times and it always comes back at between fifty and sixty which is so low that if I don't keep something sweet on me at all times I could bottom out(reach thirty or below)and slip into a coma and die so I feel for her I know what it's like to have something wrong with your blood sugar even though my condition is on the opposite end of the scale so I have empathy and sympathy for her.Low blood sugar runs on my dads side of the family in the men and high blood sugar runs on my mothers side in the women so it's like depending on gender your either going to be one or the other.
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Mother went to the doctor and....

Post by Geranium » Fri Oct 11, 2013 11:02 am

Wow, that is not fun. They know so much more about treatments now than they used to. My younger sister and my mother and her mother have been diagnosed with diabetes, like you I still test as hypoglycemic though no where near your severity. They keep wanting to diagnose diabetes in me because of the family history and the excess weight. I got the thyroid side of the gene pool though.Will keep you and her in our prayers for a quick transition to health.

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Mother went to the doctor and....

Post by Crabber85 » Fri Oct 11, 2013 4:25 pm

@Geranium, today I did her first blood test for her and her result came back much too high so since she was able to get by the pharmacy earlier today she had the new meds to take.Her blood glucose levels have to be tested once a day and the meter keeps track of her results and will also give us an average for the month for the doctors records.The meter we are using is not the same one the doctor gave her as the testing strips for it were going to cost nearly sixty dollars for a box of fifty and that was with a discount card he gave her.She went ahead and bought a Relion brand meter because the strips were so much cheaper and the device is still as accurate as the one the doctor gave her.She doesn't have any health insurance at the moment as the plans offered by her job are through Aetna and that company stinks they wont cover much of anything aside from two office visits per year and minior meds as they only offer a $1500 coverage total for the year.Aetna doesn't cover hosptial stays, major medical, surgery, dentist or optometrist visits and all for the price of $200 every two weeks as the plan premium.We are hoping that the new health care reform law will help the both of us get good medical coverage.I'm disabled and out of work so I should be able to get free health care under the new law but I have to go through Medicaid and the wait to get enrolled is ridiculous.Thanks for the thoughts and prayers as they are much appreciated.
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Laurie LeAnn
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Mother went to the doctor and....

Post by Laurie LeAnn » Sun Oct 13, 2013 1:44 pm

yep ya want to know what you what your life is going to be like in the future ? just take a look around at your relatives! I am find now that I am getting older I am having more and more issues that my family have. high blood pressure, that I have got the meds cut down with exercise and being more cautious with the sugar I eat and fast food. Now i have all these aches and pains with the being cold all the time, my aunts have that disease where your fingers and toes turn blue from being cold and lose the feeling, they think I am getting this with fibro..who know the pills I am taking for pain for the fibro sometimes work and some times don't. I have allergies thanks to my dad.. yep thank you family lol!

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Mother went to the doctor and....

Post by Crabber85 » Mon Oct 14, 2013 6:20 am

@Laurie, yeah I know what you mean by looking at your family to know whats coming down the road for you as I've had to do over the last couple of years.I'm nearing thirty and around thirty is when most of the men both on my mother and fathers side started having their issues so I know what to expect and the older I get the younger I want to be.lolI've got bad/weak joints which hurt all of the time, my left kneecap luxates(free floats) due to an injury I had when I was in elementary school so my knee will randomly give out when the cap decides to move and because it moves I have a lot of pain you combine this with the fact that most of the men in my family have had bad joints and it makes the issue worse.My mother has been doing better since starting the meds she's been on them for a few days now and her blood sugar has begun to stabilize in a more normal range.The doctor says if she can loose thirty pounds and gets her diet under control there is a fair possibility that she wont need the meds so we are hoping for that.
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Laurie LeAnn
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Mother went to the doctor and....

Post by Laurie LeAnn » Mon Oct 14, 2013 1:55 pm

hope she can have will power and be strong, it's hard to get started but once she does it will come off fast! easiest and fastest way for me was giving up the pop and fast food and cutting out most of the sugars. I know things will be dif for her.

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Mother went to the doctor and....

Post by jenok » Wed Oct 16, 2013 6:45 am

Yeah life sucks at times. My dad was diagnosed with diabetes and had to take pills and watch what he ate. Then for other problems he was stuck in the hospital and almost died. In the process he went from over 300lb to 110lb. The 110 wasn't good cuz he's a big stocky guy no muscle mass left. Anyway he's doing better now and no longer has to take meds for diabetes or has to take his blood pills either. The only thing that worries me is he is gaining most of it back now (partly cuz he still has problems walking/moving around and partly because he keeps eating junk food/snacks all the time)and I'm afraid he'll start all over again.
