R.I.P Cookie

Where to post about the loss of your beloved pet hermit crabs. Replies are not permitted in this forum; please PM a member with your condolences for his or her loss.

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R.I.P Cookie

Post by Guest » Sat Jul 12, 2008 2:48 am

Last night i checked in on the crabs as usual but i found out that cookie was missing his large pincher, and 3 legs! He was still alive but very much in pain. I knew there was nothing to do. So I went to bed hoping things would be better in the morning. I woke up this morning to realize cookie was in the same spot, Dead. So I buried him out side in his new shell.(He changed shells 2 days before his death, He was my first crab that changed shells) I buried him under a milkweed plant, the only plant on earth that attracts monarch butterflies. I truly miss him. I cant think of anything but him. Rest in Peace cookie...
