Molting Questions

This forum is where you discuss issues relating to molting hermit crabs, including pre- and post-molting issues. If you are having a molting emergency please post in the Emergency Forum.
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Molting Questions

Post by gflor119 » Sun Jun 21, 2020 1:48 am

I know I ask a lot of questions, but I just want to be well informed and I have learned so much so far and I appreciate all the advice, but I do have a few questions to just clarify /elaborate on when it comes to molting. It’s been about 2 weeks, going on 3 tomorrow, that both my crabs have been down for a molt and I want to be prepared for when they come back up.
1.When they come up will they automatically be bigger in size?
2. What should I feed them when they come back up to help them regain their strength?
3.I plan on redoing their tank, but didn’t want to do it while they’re down so when they come back up can I remove them and redo it or should I give them a bit of time? If so, how long?
4. After what amount of time should I be worried that they just won’t come back up?
Those are some of the questions that come to mind right now, but I probably have more that I just can’t remember right now. :lol:

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Re: Molting Questions

Post by Wlfwo » Sun Jun 21, 2020 6:50 am

gflor119 wrote:I know I ask a lot of questions, but I just want to be well informed and I have learned so much so far and I appreciate all the advice, but I do have a few questions to just clarify /elaborate on when it comes to molting. It’s been about 2 weeks, going on 3 tomorrow, that both my crabs have been down for a molt and I want to be prepared for when they come back up.
1.When they come up will they automatically be bigger in size?
2. What should I feed them when they come back up to help them regain their strength?
3.I plan on redoing their tank, but didn’t want to do it while they’re down so when they come back up can I remove them and redo it or should I give them a bit of time? If so, how long?
4. After what amount of time should I be worried that they just won’t come back up?
Those are some of the questions that come to mind right now, but I probably have more that I just can’t remember right now. Image
1, is probably, mine were. 2, I feed heavy on the calcium and protein after molt because that is what mine prefer. 3, I would give them a week or so, but that is just opinion. My crabs are super timid until they get used to me again. 4, depends on the crab. I've got one down right now for over 3 months. Am just now, considering getting worried. But that is because he's never taken more than 2, but he's also larger now.

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Re: Molting Questions

Post by wodesorel » Sun Jun 21, 2020 6:59 am

They don't grow with every moult, and they don't grow noticeably larger at every moult. On the other hand, I've had crabs double and triple in size in a single moult!

I don't do anything special post moulting, but if you're concerned you can always try calorie boosting foods like honey, peanut butter, coconut, and bee pollen. Some crabbers choose to feed extra calcium as well.

I just redid my tank while my crab was down a few days ago, and she came up yesterday. If you don't know where they are, you have to be careful to not press down and collapse their caves so waiting is safest. Personally, I don't wait once they come back up, if something needs done I just do it.

Give them at least 4 months, but most crabs will be done moulting in 2.
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Re: Molting Questions

Post by gflor119 » Sun Jun 21, 2020 12:32 pm

Thank you both so much that was so helpful!

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Re: Molting Questions

Post by gflor119 » Mon Jun 22, 2020 5:09 pm

Follow up question, my crabs have been moving around as they molt, I think, but now one of my crabs, my strawberry, has stayed in the exact same spot for about a week, does that mean he is almost done molting and might be ready to come back up soon, or the opposite and he’s dying?

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Re: Molting Questions

Post by JoeHermits » Mon Jun 22, 2020 8:32 pm

Hermit crabs don’t tunnel while recovering from a molt, they remain stationary. Tunneling is usually before a molt.

Remaining in one place just means that your strawberry has found a place to settle. It’ll come back up when it’s ready.

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